Cigar Humidors Sale

Cigar Humidors Sale

One of the most discussed topics about cigars is how to properly approach storage. El Cigar Shop offers you the best brands and accessories for cigars. We also help you get the most out your cigars. El Cigar Shop stocks high-quality humidors for cigar storage. Cigars are naturally hyperspherical. They will react to changes in humidity. They will eventually dry out if they are kept in too dry rooms or absorb moisture from too humid areas. The humidity levels of cigars will change over time until they reach the same level as the climate in which they were placed. These conditions can negatively impact the quality of your cigar as well as how it performs when you light it up. El Cigar Shop has the best selection of cigar humidors. We offer high-end accessories to suit the needs of cigar smokers.

Premium Cigar Humidors for Sale


A humidor is an internal humidity control unit for cigars. They keep your cigar fresh and pest-free. The quality of cigar humidors depends on several factors, including the size and workmanship. To get the best out of your cigars, they should have a moisture content of approximately 13% of their weight. This humidity level is the Goldilocks Zone for cigars. It ensures that they don't become too dry or too wet. El cigar shop offers quality accessories and cigar humidors to keep your cigars in top condition. Our:



Too dry cigars will burn at a high temperature, making them feel aggressive. This will cause your cigar to lose the delicate flavors and smoothness you have come to love from your favorite brands. However, your cigar won't be able to properly light if it has too much moisture. If your cigars have too much moisture, even the best cigars can be difficult to light and draw. A humid cigar may produce smoke that is more dense than you would like and can even cause bad taste and a foul odor. You can also risk your wrapper splitting if your cigar is too moistened.


El cigar shop has high-quality humidors to meet all your cigar storage requirements. We stock some of the most popular brands and cigars among seasoned smokers. Call us today for any questions about our cigar humidors.


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