Cigar Humidors for Sale
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- By Jaime Ure
- Posted in Best Place to Order Cigars Online, Cigar Humidors for Sale, Cigar Shop Online, Cigars for Beginners, Tobacco Shop Online
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How to approach storage properly is one of the most touched on topics regarding cigars among connoisseurs. At El Cigar Shop not only do we provide you with some of the best cigar brands and accessories on the market we also break down the process of getting the most out of your favorite cigars. We carry high-quality cigar humidors at El Cigar Shop in order to help simplify the process of proper storage. Cigars are naturally hygroscopic. This essentially means that they will be affected according to the humidity levels of their environment. Over time they will dry out if kept in a room that is too dry or contrarily absorb the moisture in a room climate that is too humid. Cigars will continue to change in moisture levels until they eventually match the moisture content of the climate's ambiance that they have been placed in. Both of these conditions will negatively affect the quality of your cigar and how well it smokes one you actually light it up. If you have been looking for quality cigar humidors for sale you can count El Cigar Shop for provision. We supply high-end accessories for everything you need as a cigar smoker.
Premium Cigar Humidors for Sale
A humidor is a cigar storage unit that serves to regulate the internal humidity levels of the case. They work to keep your cigar fresh and free of any pests. There are several factors that determine the quality of cigar humidors such as the materials used, size, and workmanship. In order to get the most out your cigars, their moisture should make up approximately 13% of their total weight. This level of humidity is basically the Goldilocks Zone for cigars ensuring they aren’t too dry or too moist. El cigar shop has quality accessories and cigar humidors for sale to help keep your cigar in premium conditions. Some of these products include our:
- 10 Cigar Travel Humidor
- Capri 50 Count Mahogany Humidor
- Cigar Caddy 10 Stick Black Travel Humidor
- Cigar Caddy 5 Stick Camouflage Travel Humidor
- Cigar Caddy 5 Stick Blaze Orange Waterproof Travel Humidor
- Boveda 72% Humidipak
A cigar that is too dry will burn at too high a temperature causing the smoke to feel excessively aggressive. It will rob your cigar of the subtle flavors and smoothness that you’ve come to expect from your favorite brands. On the other hand, if your cigar has absorbed too much moisture your cigar will not be able to properly burn. Even the finest cigars will be difficult to keep lit and draw on if they have too much moisture. An over-moisturized cigar can cause smoke that is denser than what you’d typically want and result in poor taste and even a foul odor. If your cigar becomes exceedingly moistened you will also run the risk of their wrapper splitting.
El cigar shop can help you with high-quality cigar humidors for all your cigar storage needs. We carry some of most sought after cigars and brands among seasoned smokers and have a cigar for just about every pallet. Contact us today with any questions regarding our cigars or cigar humidors for sale.
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