AJ Fernandez Cigars
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AJ Fernandez, better known to the English-reading world as A.J. Fernandez cigars, is a manufacturer of cigars mostly grown and made in Nicaragua, then distributed worldwide. Like many other companies of similar stature, AJ Fernandez manufactures both long and short-stemmed cigars. They also do some rather interesting blending, such as creating hybrid cigar tobacco. These hybrid cigars are called "Enza" and they are designed to be very much like a Connecticut long-stemmed cigarette.
In the category of full-leaf cigars, there are many brands that AJ Fernandez manufactures. Some of their best-selling blends are: Florribe, Gran Fabrica, No. 7, La Florida, El Bronx, La Florizia, and Don Pepin's. Some of these are older blends, but none of them are new. One of AJ Fernandez's top-selling blends is the No. 7, which was a near-perfect blend when it was first launched in 1997. It has remained a consistently top seller ever since and has even gained popularity in the U.S. because of its consistent demand and high quality.
The long-stemmed cigars that AJ Fernandez manufactures are exceptional. They contain a rich, complex, and interesting blend of tobacco. This is one of the most difficult blends to master and usually involves years of trial and error to achieve that perfection. Many experts say that mastering this cigar will require a significant investment, which is why only a few people have been able to truly call their own. For the majority, it takes at least a year or more of smoking on a regular basis to truly come to know the taste of these cigars, which is what makes the purchase so great.
Another reason that these cigars are so great is due to the way they are made. Typically, cigar makers will cut a tobacco blend into multiple parts, depending on how intricate they want the final cigar to be. After cutting the tobacco, the cigar maker will then apply rosin to the cigar. This rosin helps give the final cigar a soft, mellow feel and the final touch allows it to have a smooth, oily texture. Most of the time, these cigars are blended with other types of tobacco, but not always. The perfect example of this is the A.J. Fern Gavina Private Reserve, which contains only a single tobacco blend (rosado wrapper) and has a full-bodied, complex flavor.
If you are looking for a great cigar, you simply cannot go wrong with some A.J. Fern cigars. If you are a fan of full-bodied A.J. Fern Gavina Private Reserve cigars, you might also want to check out the new line of Cuba Club Cigars. These cigars are blended to be more suitable for all consumers, including A.J. Fern lovers. Both cigars are great and should be on your list of favorites if you are a fan of full-bodied cigars.
For those who want a great, strong cigar, you should definitely check out the A.J. Fern cigars. Whether you are a regular consumer of cigars or you are a collector, these cigars make a great gift for anyone. Whether you purchase these cigars online or from a famous smoke shop in Connecticut, you will not be disappointed with your decision. You will enjoy every last puff of these great cigars and many people who purchase them have managed to keep some of the cigars in the family and smoke them whenever they want. For this reason, you cannot go wrong when you select a.J.Fern cigar and get ready to experience a cigar that has the taste and smell of a king!
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