Nicaraguan Cigars Online

Nicaraguan Cigars Online

Nicaraguan Cigars Online For Sale El Cigar Pennsylvania

Many cigar lovers consider Nicaraguan cigars the closest to the original Habanos in style and strength. Because Nicaraguan cigars are considered the best rivals to Cuban cigars, more people are choosing Nicaraguan cigars. If you are interested in buying Nicaraguan Cigars Online look no further than El Cigar Shop!

The "Big Three" tobacco producers in Central America are Nicaragua, Honduras and Dominican Republic. The United States ranked Nicaragua third for years in terms of consumption. It was behind Honduras and the Dominican Republic.

Honduras has been second in demand for premium cigars, and Nicaragua is now the third. Nicaragua exports approximately $200 million annually in tobacco leaf and cigars.

Nicaraguan tobacco is extremely popular due to its fertile, rich volcanic soil, which is similar to Cuba's. Nicaragua, the largest country in Central America is Nicaragua. The rich volcanic soil gives the tobacco its unique character.

A Nicaraguan cigar has a subtle, earthy taste due to its texture and chemical makeup. The main areas where the leaf is grown are Jalapa, Condega, and Esteli. The northern highlands region surrounding Esteli has a mild climate and fertile soil that are ideal for growing tobacco.

Esteli was a haven for Cuban tobacco farmers after the 1959 Cuban Revolution. Jalapa Valley soil is clay-like and red. It produces a subtle tobacco, and often uses Nicaraguan wrapper.

Condega, located north of Esteli in the Cantagallo Mountains, is a peaceful town. Condega produces tobacco with a stronger flavor than Jalapa and tends to have a more medium-bodied taste than Esteli's.

The inland island Ometepe (or "Two Peaks") is relatively new to tobacco. It's surrounded by twin volcanoes, and lies in the middle Lake Nicaragua. Since then, it has provided sweet, rich tobacco.

Numerous world-famous brands have exported their Nicaraguan cigars, including My Father, Drew Estate and Oliva. They are a prime example of Nicaraguan flavour.

These are five Nicaraguan cigars that you should now be smoking. carries these cigars as well as many other Nicaraguan cigars that will please your palate.

  1. My Father Flor de Las Antillas Toro This award-winning cigar features filler and binder tobaccos sourced from Esteli's rich volcanic soils. It is wrapped in a soft Sun Grown wrapper. A classic Nicaraguan cigar, Flor de Las Antillas will please the most seasoned smokers.

  2. Drew Estate: Herrera Esteli Robusto extra joins Drew Estate's vast portfolio. Willy Herrera blended the cigar in the old-style Cuban style. The smoke has rich flavors of sweet cream and almonds as well as spice and leather. Herrera Estili Robusto Extra has a medium to full-bodied flavor and is recommended for anyone who loves high-quality Nicaraguan tobacco.

  3. Oliva master blend 3 Robusto: This dark brown Robusto is made with a mix of Nicaraguan Ligero and Nicaraguan Habano boxes. The Robusto is then wrapped in a wideleaf, sun-grown wrapper. Master Blend 3 is rich with subtle notes of caramel, cream, and coffee. These are not easy to find but they are well worth the effort.

  4. Padron 1926 Series No. 9 Maduro: Padron 1926 Series No. 9 Maduro is made from tobaccos that have been aged for five years. The wrapper is a black Maduro wrapper. This creates a rich, flavorful cigar with lots of licorice, leather, and hints of earth, coffee, and cocoa. Jose Padron, the founder of Padron cigars was born in 1926. The 1926 Series cigar series is dedicated to him.

  5. Perdomo Sun Grown Habano Barrel Aged: This cigar has a Sun Grown wrapper, which has been aged for at least 6 years. The wrapper then spends 6 more months in bourbon barrels to enhance its flavor. The blend is finished with high-priming Cuban seeds binders and fillers, including Jalapa, Condega and Esteli from Nicaragua, which are aged for between 4 and 6 years. It produces a medium-bodied cigar that is rich and full of smoke. It has notes of spice, cedar, and espresso. The finish is buttery smooth with hints of Bourbon.


Nicaraguan Cigars

Learn about the history and the top Nicaraguan cigar brands that you should be buying now.


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