Philadelphia Cigar Shop

Philadelphia Cigar Shop

If you have been looking for a local Philadelphia cigar shop that offers a wide range of premium cigars from all over the world, or if you are looking for an online source of your favorite brand of cigars that can be shipped directly to you, then you have come to the right place. El Cigar Shop is a Philadelphia Cigar shop that offers some of the finest hand rolled, hard to find cigars, all available for your purchase online. Our shop carries a huge selection of premium cigars for you to choose from, and with the convenience of online shopping, you can have your order shipped directly to your home. Whether you are a cigar enthusiast or a casual smoker, you are sure to be impressed with the quality of our products. Our Philadelphia cigar shop is dedicated to bringing our customers a large selection of excellent cigars both at home and abroad with our convenient online shop. We employ the proper storing and shipping methods that ensure that your cigars arrive to your location as fresh and pure as they were when they were received from the manufacturer. We do this in order to guarantee that our customers receive only premium quality products. Some of the many brands available in our shop are:


  • Don Diego: these are classic Dominican cigars with a smooth, mild smoke and creamy flavor with no aftertaste
  • Joya de Nicaragua: this is a robust Nicaraguan cigar with bold yet smooth flavors and sweet and spicy notes
  • Havana Honeys: these handmade cigars are crafted with Dominican tobaccos and wrapped in Indonesian wrappers, each with Havana Honey's signature touch of honey
  • Rocky Patel: Rocky Patel is a mild flavored cigar with a smooth and cedary taste, perfect for celebrations
  • Tabak: these high-quality cigars are rolled with tobaccos infused with some of the finest estate grown Nicaraguan coffees to bring you a bold, rich, and unique flavor experience
  • Vega Fina: this luxurious, aromatic cigar is crafted with Dominican, Honduran, and Colombian tobaccos to bring you a smooth and flavorful smoke
  • Tatascan: this mild cigar has notes of distinct and unique flavors such as caramel, graham cracker, and pepper, and is truly a one of a kind smoking experience
  • Undercrown: this cigar is crafted from tobaccos harvested in Brazil and Nicaragua, and is a bold yet smooth smoke with a complex and flavorful body, full of sweet and spicy undertones


A high-quality cigar is easily distinguishable from a cheap or poorly crafted one by enthusiasts and experts, but there are some tell-tale signs that your cigar is of excellent quality. A well-made cigar is firmly packed, with no soft spots or divots. A cigar should not feel too dry, and should not be flaky when touched. Quality cigars will have a pleasant aroma and have a uniform color and healthy sheen. When you are smoking your cigar, you should expect a slow, even burn and consistent taste. El Cigar Shop is the distributor of some of the finest cigar brands on the market, and from highly popular brands to vintage lines, we carry cigars to match any taste. If you are interested in purchasing any of our premium cigar brands, or if you have any questions that you would like us to answer, please do not hesitate to contact us today.


Philadelphia Cigar Shop


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