Cigar Shops in Philadelphia

Cigar Shops in Philadelphia

El Cigar Shop is a high-end Philadelphia cigar shop and online sales provider of premium quality cigars and accessories. If you have been looking for cigar shops in Philadelphia that carry some of the finest, hand-rolled cigars in the world then it’s time you pay El Cigar Shop a visit. We have an extensive selection of first-rate tobacco products from all over the globe. We carry a wide array of cigars to select from in order to ensure that we have a product for every kind of cigar lover and taste preference. It doesn’t matter if you smoke very regularly or just sparingly during social events we are sure that when you select a product from El Cigar Shop you will love the quality of our products. If you enjoy hand picking your cigars or making an in-person product selection then we invite you to visit our locale.


As much as we enjoy having our customers stop by our shop for their premium tobacco needs we understand that life is busier than ever and it can be difficult to make time during the week between work and your other responsibilities to stop by everywhere you’d like to. If you are a cigar lover but haven’t had the time to stop by your shop of choice recently, then you are exactly the kind of individual that our site was created for. We built El Cigar Shop’s online platform in order to simplify the process of obtaining top-quality cigars and their accessories for our existing clientele as well new customers that are in search of a superior tobacco product provider. We take all the necessary measures for proper storage and transportation of our cigars. If you have been looking for one of the superior cigar shops in Philadelphia PA’s vicinity we can fill the role. Some of the Premium Cigars that you can find in our cigar shop and online selection include:


  • La Palina - Carries a blend of the finest tobacco leaves selected by master artisans. The blend helps create a smooth draw and an even burn. We carry boxes of 20 of this Robusto Nicaragua Connecticut cigar.
  • Saint Luis Rey Honduran Reserva - Full-flavored and captivating aroma. Blends Honduran Nicaraguan, and Peruvian premium tobacco.
  • Romeo y Julieta 1875 - A customer favorite allusive to the Shakespearean classic, comes with a premium blend of Dominican long fibers that provide a mellow, medium-bodied taste.
  • Le Bijou - Directly translates to mean the jewel; it is a full-bodied cigar and comes in a Habano (Oscuro) wrap.
  • Capa de Sol - Classified in the elite series of E.P Carillo cigars; has a creamy blend of earthy flavors with hints of almonds and espresso.


El Cigar Shop can provide you with products from premium cigar brands that you’ve come to love as well as rare and hard to find premium products. We are dedicated to meeting our clients needs and providing them with high-end, properly maintained cigars. Contact us to get your cigars from one of the best cigar shops in Philadelphia PA’s area.

Cigar Shops in Philadelphia

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