Smoke Cigars & Wash Your Car
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- By El Cigar Shop
- Posted in Cigar, Cigar Lounge Philadelphia, Cigar Store in Philadelphia, cigars, Philly cigars
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Come to the finest cigar lounge Philadelphia locale enjoy and browse the best collection of premium cigars in Philly while you get your car washed!
Summertime is here indeed, but local cigar shops are full of tobacco enthusiasts don’t need an excuse to smoke a cigar in Philadelphia. Fortunately, a favorite cigar bar, cigar store, or cigar lounge Philadelphia residents enjoy provides the perfect environment to indulge in their favorite pastime.
El Cigar Shop is a popular cigar lounge Philadelphia locale can go to enjoy their favorite Philly cigars, along with a wide variety of rare and premium cigars for sale at the best prices in or around the city. Uniquely located on the side of the recently rated #1 Car Wash of Philadelphia in 2018 (Clean Machine & Detail), our cigar lounge Philadelphia residents love and enjoy is actually a full-size walk-in humidor.
This important detail ensures all our customers that every single rare and premium cigars for sale we carry are safely stored and ready to smoke. In other words, if you’ve ever dreamt about enjoying the delicious, delectable tastes of smoking the finest cigars in Philadelphia while your vehicle is impeccably detailed, you’re in luck.
El Cigar Shop is proud to carry the finest cigars around and boasts an entire collection of ever name, brand, size, and type cigar you can imagine. Our Philly cigar store is protected from the humid summer environment with a complete walk-in humidor that makes browsing through the entire collection cigars easy.
The Cigar Collection
The wide range of cigars for sale in our local cigar store include enough variety to make both beginning cigar smokers and cigar aficionados alike happy. Whether you prefer the rich, flavorful tastes of ACID cigars and CAO cigars or want to find a rare cigar unique to a specific region, you’ll find it here.
However, the real reason El Cigar Shop is the #1 cigar lounge Philadelphia has to offer is the extensive knowledge of our own cigar aficionados and tobacco enthusiasts. To put it another way, if there’s a question you have about the history of a certain cigar, the origins of cigar bands, or which cigar wrappers are the best, we can help.
Find The Perfect Cigar
Looking a certain rare cigar? Want new cigar recommendations? Want to walk through and pick the best cigar before smoking in a unique cigar lounge Philadelphia provides?
Come and visit El Cigar Shop today at 401 W Glenside Ave today! Whether you’re a daily cigar smoker, occasionally love smoking cigars, or simply like the idea of smoking cigars in Philly while your car gets immaculately cleaned, your new favorite cigar store in Philadelphia awaits.
Be sure to check out our entire collection of rare and premium cigars online and contact us to learn more!
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