Cigar Bar Glenside

Cigar Bar Glenside

In the life of every cigar smoker, the time comes when the desire for a strong cigar trumps loyalty. Take, for instance, yourself. You may be a dedicated fan of Ashton Classics, swearing up and down to your stogie that they are the only one for you. Afraid of leaving your brand abandoned or - dare I say - crushed, you may brush off any desires that come your way. You may ignore the yearning to try something stronger or, even worse, you may sneak around, meeting new cigars in dive bars and seedy hotel rooms for a few blissful moments of uninhibited pleasure. But, this only causes you to feel disloyal to the brand you have been with for years, making you feel guilty. After all, you tell yourself, cigars have feelings to so go visit a Cigar Bar Glenside.

Now, rest assured, you aren't committing tobacco adultery. It's perfectly natural to jump around from brand to brand. Sometimes you feel like a spicy cigar, sometimes you don't. Sometimes you feel like a sweet cigar, sometimes you don't. Sometimes you feel like a full-bodied cigar, and sometimes you don't. But, when you do, there are some better than others. The following is a list of a few of the best full-bodied cigars, cigars that make it well worth cheating on your regular brand at a Cigar Bar Glenside.

Camacho Corojo: Grown in the Jamastran Valley of Honduras, these cigars are rare, rich, and complex. Like cigars dedicated to a weight room, they are some of the strongest in existence. Made from a seed that was smuggled out of Cuba, these cigars are a favorite among many connoisseurs. Many tobacco stores keep it as a staple brand, not only because it is popular among customers, but also for those times when the staff has an urge to sample the product.

Coronado By La Flor Cigars: For years, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua have been giving Cuba a run for its money when it comes to the best land for cigar production. The Coronado, a tag-teaming Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua effort take some of the limelight away from Cuba. Masterfully blended with Dominican filler and binder, and a Nicaraguan wrapper, the Coronado is full of spicy, peppery, and rich flavors that you might find at Cigar Bar Glenside.

Little Gomez Diez Cigars: A cigar originally made to celebrate La Flor Dominicana's 10th anniversary, 100 percent of the tobacco that makes up this cigar is from the Dominican Republic. This, in the cigar world, is a rarity because it is difficult to procure the Dominican Republic tobacco that is suitable for a binder, a filler, and a wrapper. With hints of spicy leather, this cigar allows the Dominican Republic to stand up and take a bow.

Carlos Torano Virtuoso: Made with the first sun-grown wrapper from the Torano family, this cigar speaks volumes for their deep Cuban roots. The Virtuosos is the most full-bodied in the Carlos Torano line, but it is still a very balanced, smooth, and easy smoke. Consisting of tobacco from Panama, Honduras, and Nicaragua, the Virtuoso allows cigar lovers to sample a taste of several different regions, a taste that reminds smokers of chocolate, spice, and coffee.

The Edge by Rocky Patel: This cigar should come with a warning label, one that says, "Novices need not apply." For smokers who have some experience under their belt, this is a worthy notch. True to its name, this cigar has the edge on full-bodied cigars. Its flavor and spice can't be rivaled. Stop by a Cigar Bar Glenside today.

Every smoker at one time or another wants to stray away from the cigar brand to which they have become loyal. This doesn't make you a bad smoker, just a curious one. Sometimes you have to break the mold and try something with a little more body. Just break it to your brand gently; it will eventually forgive you.


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