In life, there are a few momentous occasions that demand an exquisite box of cigars. Graduating college is one. Buying your first home and finishing your first deck is another. If you build a house by hand, that deserves a cigar, as do most construction projects. And, of course, you deserve a cigar when you get married, to steady your hands and steel your nerves as your life changes forever.
But one of the most life-changing of all events is the birth of your child, and you better believe that this is worth a cigar to celebrate. Used to be that prospective fathers and their friends would all sit in the waiting room or the hospital smoking room and enjoy a cigar together, until hospitals changed their rules on smoking. Now, you can bring your friend or family member a cigar that declares the achievement, the birth of their new daughter.
The Ashton Crystal #1 – It’s A Girl! cigar is an Ashton Classic cigar, but with an additional tag proclaiming ‘It’s A Girl!’. The cigar is made by Arturo Fuente at their facility in the Dominican Republic, using tobacco that is from the Dominican Republic and that is three to five years aged to bring out its natural flavor. Then they take a Connecticut Shade wrapper and roll them together, producing a cigar that is attractive, approachable, mildly creamy, and carrying faint notes of pepper. You’ll be sure to enjoy the cigar, and your friend will never forget the box of cigars you had when their daughter came into the world.