La Aroma De Cuba is a cigar that has been enjoyed by many in the late 1800s and the 1900s, including such notable names as Sir Winston Churchill. It has always been a flavorful cigar, one that is enjoyable and on the darker side on average, and decades ago the company that produced it ceased to exist, and the cigar world felt the loss.
To bring the business back to life required a herculean effort from Robert Levin, the man who turned Ashton cigars into a recognized name. But he would need a partner, someone with experience in making and mocking-up Cuban-style cigars and working with Cuban seed, and for that he had to enlist one man; Don Pepin Garcia, the man who is well known for his work on cigars as the operator of My Father cigars.
Together, they were able to revitalize the La Aroma De Cuba name, and the Mi Amor Robusto is one of the first limited edition premier cigars that rose out of that revitalization. The cigar is made in Esteli, Nicaragua, at the My Father production facility there. The cigar is made with tobacco sourced entirely from Nicaragua, and then rolled up in a dark Maduro wrapper from San Andres. This beautiful cigar has darker shades to it than many, and the wrapper is slightly oily, but the smoke is superb.
The flavor is in keeping with a medium-full profile, and the plumes of smoke exuded when lit are superb and beautiful. The cigar releases notes of chocolate, earth, and spice as you slowly savor each puff and exhale the flavor, and it leaves a taste of the spice on the tongue when it is finished. A worthy cigar that you will be glad to have a box of, the La Aroma De Cuba Mi Amor Robusto box of 25 are cigars you will enjoy again and again.